Monday, April 13, 2009

Things That Work Every Time

I'm a sucker for the media, I really am. I cry at movies, at NPR stories, good episodes of House, it's disgraceful, I know. It's because when I consume entertainment, I do it full-out. I apparently am a great audience member for live theatre for these reasons.

Last weekend I went and saw Adventureland which is an amazing movie that's marketed to downplay all the significant depth of the piece. There's a sequence in it that uses Unsatisfied from the Replacement's landmark 1984 album Let It Be and I realized that every time I've seen that song used in a film, it gets me (not crying mind you, just puts me exactly into the mood the film maker is going for). I'm not sure what it is about that song, beyond the fact that it's fucking awesome, but it's just so effective. It's yearning, it's disappointed, it's crushed but it's not angry, it's defiant. There's not another song that gets me like that.

I admit, I can only think of two movies off the top of my head that use the song, Adventureland and the underrated Airheads (yes, I think Airheads is underrated, wanna make something of it?) but I'm sure there are others.

Anyone else have a song that gets them like that?